Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy


Robotic Urology

Minimally Invasive

  • Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy is typically offered as a treatment approach for patients with localized prostate cancer

  • It offers a minimally invasive cancer treatment

  • Benefits includes:

    • less blood loss

    • shorter hospital stay

    • faster recovery


Nerve Sparing

Nerve Sparing Radical Prostatectomy

  • Nerve sparing approach offers:

    • Minimally Invasive Cancer Treatment

    • Urinary Function Preservation

    • Sexual Function Preservation

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Robotic LN Dissection

Lymph Node Dissection

  • For men with high-risk Prostate Cancer, the lymph nodes around the prostate (pelvis) may be removed in addition to removing the prostate

  • Dr Hueber performs both standard lymph node removals as well as “extended lymph node dissection” for men with Prostate Cancer and a high-risk of nodal involvement

  • This is mainly performed to determine if the Prostate Cancer has spread to the lymph nodes but also may help to control and slow down Prostate Cancer spread


Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer

Robotic Radical Prostatectomy can also be part of a multimodal treatment plan (with adjuvant radiation +/- hormonotherapy) for advanced Prostate Cancer.